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Technical Realization

Object Types Used
The interface between the R/3 functionality and the workflow system has been implemented using object technology. As a result, this topic contains information of a more technical nature, than is required for a first overview.

Standard tasks

Standard tasks are single-step tasks delivered from SAP, which describe basic business processes from an organizational point of view. A single-step task always refers to an object method ( technical connection to R/3 functionality) and is linked with possible agents, who are assigned to the relevant part of the organization.
Workflow template The actual business process as been implemented as a workflow template. You can find this workflow template in your R/3 system.

Object Network (BUS2002)

Objects are created in runtime and are the specific instances of pre-defined object types that have been given values. Object types are defined, entering the component, in the Business Object Repository and implemented:

An object Network (BUS2002) exist, for which methods, attributes, and events have been defined that are used by the workflow.
Standard Task TS20000477 Display change management (PSDisplayCM)


In this standard task, the system displays change management for networks to the dispatcher.

He/she then decides which agent is responsible for the change comparison.
Referenced object methods: Object type BUS2002 (network), method

ChangeManagementDisplay (display change management)

Assigning agents: This task should be classed as a general task. General tasks do not have to be assigned to an agent, since they can be carried out by everyone. The agent is determined from the context of the workflow.

Standard Task TS30001203 Determine possible agents and dispatch


This standard task determines the possibe agents for a subsequent task in the workflow. The dispatcher selects an agent from a list of possible agents. This agent is then assigned the singlestep task in the workflow.

Referenced object methods: Object type WF_TASK, method

AllAgentsOfTaskGetAndDispatch (Determine possible agents and dispatch)
Assigning agents: This task should be classed as a general task. General tasks do not have to be assigned to an agent, since they can be carried out by everyone. The agent is determined from the context of the workflow.

Standard Task TS20000478 Create Text (PS-CreaText)


In this standard task, the dispatcher creates a text for the agent.
Referenced object methods: Object type STD_TEXT, method Create (create text)
Assigning employees: This task should be classed as a general task. General tasks do not have to be assigned to an agent, since they can be carried out by everyone. The agent is determined from the context of the workflow.

Standard Task TS20000479 Display Text (PS-DispText)


In this standard text the agent sees the text that the dispatcher created.
Referenced object methods: Object type STD_TEXT, method ReplaceAndDisplay (replace
text symbols)

Assigning agents:s This task should be classed as a general task. General tasks do
not have to be assigned to an agent, since they can be carried out by everyone. The agent is determined from the context of the workflow.

Standard Task TS20000480 Make Change (PS-EditCM)


In this standard task when an agent opens the work item, he/she goes directly to
change mangement for networks, to make the necessary change steps.

Referenced object methods: Object type BUS2002 (network), method

ChangeManagementEdit (make change)

This is ansynchronous method, which means that it can only be completed if another,
terminating, event occurs. In this case, this event is the successful execution of a change comparison for the corresponding network. The work item remains until the event occurs. The terminating event ChangeManagementClosed is defined in the task on the corresponding tab page.

Assigning agents: Here you should enter all the possible agents for confirmation
change management, since the dispatcher sees them in a list. You can assign agents in the task basic data.

You can also define the task as a general task and let the dispatcher choose the agent.
Standard role 20000054 MRP Controller Group (MRPContGroup)

Use roles to specify the agents for tasks or the addressees for messages.
Determining all the agents with the relevant attribute is refered to as role resolution. Each role has a role parameter container that contains the values used in role resolution.

Technical Realization

Entering a role is just one of several ways of finding the responsible agents or addressees. It is also possible to find someone via a suitable organization object (position, job, organization unit) or an expression with reference to the workflow container.

Role resolution is facititated by the SAP organization object MRP Controller Group
(MRP_Controller_Group). The key for the MRP controller group is T024D.
SAP organization object types (short: SAP OrgObjectTypes) represent organizational units on the object type level in the Business Object Repository. Organizational units are used to group employees together and to describe these groups. The key of the SAP organizational object type MRP controller group consists of the plant and the MRP controller.

The object type BUS2002 receives a MRPControllerGroup attribute that represents a object type reference to the SAP organizational object type MRP controller group.
The assignment of the SAP organizational object type MRP controller group to an organizational unit or a position results allows the responsible agent group to be determined at runtime. Since the role entry parameter is BUS2002, the role resolution searches the whole organizational plan for departments that are linked with objects of the type MRP controller group.

All employees in such an organizational unit or position receive the work item.
The role determines the agents for the single step Display Change management. The agents found determine the responsible agent.



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