Posted by Krishh Webworld | 12:29 PM | | 1 comments »

Preparations and Customizing

Determining Responsibilities of the Roles

You must assign SAPorganizationjal object type T024D (MRP controller group). Since the organizational plan is always structured according to you requirements, this step is always necessary.

When you create the assignment, you must specify the plant and the MRP controller so that the MRP controller is uniquely identified. You can create several assignments within your organizational plan.

Executing Task-Specific Customizing

1. Perform task-specific Customizing for SAP Business Workflow.
2. Classify the standard task TS20000477 (Display change management), TS30001203
(Determine possible agent and dispatch), TS20000478 (Create text) and TS20000479
(Display text) as general tasks.
3. Assign the standard task TS20000480 (make change) to the agents who could process it.

Activate Event Receiver Linkage

The event ChangeManagementOpened (configuration change with conflict) for object type
BUS2002 (network) is the triggereing event for workflow template 20000265 (Change
management) and as such is entered in the event linkage table The terminating event
ChangeManagementClosed (Change management concluded) is also entered in this table.

You can find the table in Event creation _ Status management. You decide wheteher you want to mainatin system settings, if you want to use system statauses, or customer settings, if you want to use your own status profile. In our case, the entry is in the system settings.

The status object (NPH), object type (BUS2002) and the event are maintained here. If you select an entry and double-click on Status restriction in the left-hand screen area, the relevant status is displayed. The Inactive field informs you whether the event is created when the status is set or when the status is revoked (subsequent status set).

To actually start the workflow template, the linkage between the triggering event and the workflow template, as receiver of the event, has to be activated in Customizing for SAP Business Workflow.

The event linkage of the workflow templates must also be activated. To create your own workflow template or to display an existing template, in the SAP Business Workflow menu choose Definition tools _ Tasks/Task groups and then the required maintenance transaction. On the initial screen enter Workflow template in the Task type field and the name of the workflow template. Choose either , , or to create, change or display respectively.The workflow template screen appears. To activiate the workflow, choose the Triggering events tab page and activate the event by clicking on the icon in the column so that a green light appears.

Further Options If you want to use the workflow tempalte without a dispatcher, you must delete the following steps: Display change management (TS20000477), Determine possible agents and dispatch (TS30001203)as well as the user decision Do you want to create a text ?. You can delete single steps in the workflow editor. Select the node to be deleted. In the context menu choose Delete. If you delete the Do you want to create a text ? node, you also delete the dependent nodes Create text (TS20000478) and Display text (TS20000479) and the connecting operators. A dialog box to
this effect appears, which you have to confirm. Apart from deleting the nodes, you must change the agent assignment for the Make change (TS20000480) single step.

Delete the SelectedObject expression and enter role 20000054 MRP controller group.You now have to change the autoamtically generated dat flow from the workflow container to the role container. Delete the Org_Object_ID and choose, using F4 help, the
attribute MRP controller group under network.
Check the workflow template and then activate it.
Operation and Connection to the Application Functionality Changes to the configuration of a sales order can occur frequently. Depending on the change
profile and the status of the network, the system can set the Manual adjustment necessary status.

If you have made the necessary settings in Customizing, the workflow template is active and is started automatically from the application.


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