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Standard tasks

Standard tasks are single-step tasks delivered from SAP, which describe basic business processes from an organizational point of view. A single-step task always refers to an object method ( technical connection to R/3 functionality) and is linked with employees, who are assigned to the relevant part of the organization.

Standard Task TS20000653:

Abbreviation: PurchOrdPS
Description: Change order network
Referenced object methods, characteristics
Object type: BUS2002
Method: DisplayPurchaseOrderChange
Characteristics: synchronous , with dialog

Process Flow

If there are changes in a network that affect ordered materials or services (quantities or dates), the affected materials are sorted according to purchasing group (in the purchase order). The event PurchaseOrderChange is then triggered for object type BUS2002 for each purchasing group.

The event BUS2002.PurchaseOrderChange is the triggering event for the standard task
TS20000653. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description

PurchasingGroup Purchasing group
TodoList Internal table containing the changed materials and services
The following data flow has been defined between the event PurchaseOrderChange and the task TS20000653:

Task container Event parameter container

Network _Evt_Object
Start date _Evt_Creation_Date
Start time _Evt_Creation_Time
Triggered by _Evt_Creator
Simple todo list TodoList
Purchasing group PurchasingGroup
The standard task uses the role 00900010 (purcahsing group). It determines all users linked with the relevant purchasing group. If no users have been linked the purchasing in SAP Organization Management, all the users linked to the standard task receive a work item.

Preparations and Customizing

As well as the general Customizing that guarantees the smooth performance of the workflow system, it is also necessary to carry out special Customizing for standard task TS20000653.

Maintaining Employee Assignments

Assign standard task TS20000653 to the employees who could need it. To do so, choose in Customizing Project System _ Workflow _ Configure Standard Tasks for Workflow in the Project System or proceed as follows:
1. On the SAP Easy Access menu choose Tools _ Business Workflow _ Development _
Tasks/Task groups _ Display.
2. Choose Tasks/task groups _ Display and enter the standard task TS20000653
3. Assign the standard task TS20000653 to the users in the organizational unit that is to process the task in your company.
Link Purchasers to Organization Management
If you only want the purchaser responsible to receive a work item (instead of all the possible agents of the standard task TS20000613), link the purchaser to SAP Organizational Management. To do so, use the Customizing activity Project System _ Workflow _ Configure Standard Tasks for Workflow in Project System _ Customizing tasks or proceed as follows:

1. On the SAP Easy Access menu choose Tools _ Business Workflow _ Development
Definition tools _SAP org. objects _ Create assignment.
The Assignment to SAP organizational objects initial screen appears.
2. Enter the organizational object.
3. In the Org. object type field enter T024.

Activating the Event Linkage
The PurchaseOrderChange event for the object type BUS2002 is the triggering event for the standard task TS20000653. Before the standard task can be started event linkage must be activated. To do so, choose in Customizing Project System _ Workflow _ Configure Standard Tasks for Workflow in the Project System or proceed as follows:
1. On the SAP Easy Access menu choose Tools _ Business Workflow _ Development
Definition tools _ Tasks/Task groups_ Display.

The Task: Display screen appears.

2. Enter the standard task TS20000653, choose and go to the Triggering events tab page.
3. Activate the event by clicking on the iicon in the column so that a green light appears.
Maintaining Order Type-Dependent Parameters You must define whether the standard task TS20000653 is to be started for each order type (network type)and plant. Use Customizing activity Project System _ Workflow _ Configure
Standard Tasks for Workflow in the Project System _ Network Type Parameters:



When you execute a work item for standard task TS20000653, you see a screen split into two sections:
On the left-hand side is an overview list of the materials or services. There is checkbox for each material/service. You can use these checkboxes to indicate which materials/services you have already processed.

A red light in front of a material or service means that another work item has been created for this material or service after the current work item was created.
By double-clicking on a material or service in the overview list you can display the detailed data on the right-hand screen.

You can edit exsiting purchase orders or create new ones. A new purchase order does not appear immediately in the table of existing purchase orders. The purchase order has to be saved to the database first. After it has been saved you can display the purchase order by:

Choosing Refresh
Double-clicking on the material or service in the overview list.

You can always interrupt processing of a work item by choosing Cancel, Back or Exit. You can then resume work later. Choose Close Workflow to finish the workflow.

Configuration Change Management (PS)


A network can be created for a configurable product from the sales order using assembly processing. The characteristic value assignment is passed directly from the configurable material to the network, and the relevant activities, activity elements, components, PRTs, etc. are selected.

If the configuration of the material, which has an assembly order involving a network, is later changed, a change comparison is started for the network. Objects are added to or deleted from the network. The system tries to make this change comparison automatically. If conflicts arise, the network receives the Manual adjustment necessary status and the change steps have to be processed manually.

The changes to the configuration are made in Sales by the responsible employee. However, an employee in project planning makes the changes to the network. To facilitate communication between the two departments and to avoid long processing times, a workflow template has been created to automate this business process.

Process Flow

The triggering event for this workflow is a conflict during a change comparison, which means that that the Manual adjustment necessary status is set. The flow of the workflow template is as follows:

A dispatcher determines which employee in project planning should make the change
comparison. He/she makes this decision after seeing the network. The dispatcher is determined via a role, that evaluates the network data and the structure of the organization. The dispatcher can then create a text that is sent to the chosen employee. The employee sees this text and can then start processing the network immediately. The workflow finishes when the change comparison is concluded successfully.



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