What Is The Condition Technique In SD Pricing

Posted by Krishh Webworld | 1:11 PM | | 3 comments »

For the pricing to be automatically determines in the sales document, we have to make all the following customizing settings.

The pricing is based on “condition technique”. Condition technique comprises of

1. Condition Tables
2. Access Sequence
3. Condition Type
4. Pricing Procedure.

Condition Tables

Condition table contains the key fields for maintaining the condition records i.e. condition records of a condition type will be stored in condition tables. Depending on the sales requirement of the client we can have any field as a key field in the condition table.

One condition type can have multiple condition tables and if required one condition table can be used for multiple condition types.

Defining condition tables

Tcode: SPRO
- Sales and distribution
- Basic functions
- Pricing
- Pricing control
- Define condition tables
- Create condition tables

Specify a condition table number which must be between 501 and 999

From the field catalogue which contains all the available fields select the required key fields.

While maintaining condition records in order to set the validity period we have to get the fields “valid on” and “valid to”. For this here we need to check the field “with validity period”

Select the button “Technical view”. Here fields which are marked as key appears at key level and the fields marked as footer field appears at footer level while maintaining the condition record.

Select the icon “Generate”.

Select the button “Local object” for saving the Table.


  1. Mohammed Bohra // July 5, 2011 at 11:57 AM  
  2. Mohammed Bohra // July 5, 2011 at 12:03 PM  
  3. simashree // September 3, 2016 at 1:00 PM  

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