To create a discount on payer level on billing type LR

Posted by Krishh Webworld | 1:22 PM | | 1 comments »

SAP Billing represents the final processing stage for a business transaction in Sales and Distribution. Information on billing is available at every stage of order processing and delivery processing.

Tested in 4.6x

This will not have any affect on the sold-to-party price.

If you want a payer based discount on invoice list only. This is what you will need to do:

1. Check out the pricing procedure RVAA01 and condition type RL00. This pricing procedure is for Germany and the
discount is factoring discount. But it is payer based discount.

IMG - Sales and Distribution -> Billing -> Billing documents -> Maintain conditions for invoice lists ->
Maintan pricing procedures

2. RL00 uses access sequence RL00 and condition table 7 which is sales organization/distribution channel/divison/customer
(payer). If that fits your needs, use it. Otherwise, do the usual create condition table, access sequence and condition type

3. In the appropriate place in your pricing procedure, add in condition type RL00(or one you created). Be careful to copy the
requirement routine and condition base value assignments from pricing procedure RVAA01.


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