This configuration is done when user request for new pricing condition type other than the standard ones provided by the system.
Screen to tcode VA01 - Create New Sales Order for customers
- Double Click the Item
- Then Click the Conditions Tabstrips
Define Condition types
V/05 - Condition Table for V/07
e.g. a business may no longer wants to have a sales discount based on the sales organization, customer group, and material, but decided that the discount should be based on the sales organization, customer group and material group.
V/06 - Create new condition types by copying a similar conditions type and changing it according to your needs.
- Double click on the condition type to change the control options
V/08 - Pricing Procedures for condition types.
The pricing procedure is also used in the account determination. This determines the general ledger accounts to which prices, discounts and taxes must be posted.
- Click on the Pricing Procedures e.g. PR0000 - Condition Supplements for PR00
- Click Control - e.g. Tick Mdt if you want the condition type to be mandatory
- OV34 - Define account key
- OV35 - Assign account key
- Actky - Revenue account
- Accrls - Accruals account
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