Control Pricing Conditions based on Order Type

Posted by Krishh Webworld | 1:01 PM | | 1 comments »


e.g. You create an order type ZP00 for QT - Quotation and does not wish it to be used in OR - Standard Order.

Follows this steps :-

IMG - Sales and Distribution -> Basic Functions -> Pricing Control -> Define and Assign Pricing Procedures

Define document pricing procedure
e.g. Q - Quotation

Assign document pricing procedures to order types
e.g. Assign Q to Order Type QT - Quotation

Maintain pricing procedures
e.g. Copy Standard Pricing Procedure to e.g. ZQT (all the pricing conditions list will only be allowed in order type QT - Quotation

Define Pricing Procedure Determination
e.g. Copy and assign Document Pricing Q and Pricing Procedure ZQT accordingly

Users will receive Message no. V1 206 "Condition ZP00 is missing in pricing procedure A V ZQT".


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