Suppose the client requests to change a particular pricing procedure with respect to a particular customer so what are the steps to go about solving it.
What is the standard method?
=== For a particular customer if you need a unique price, then create a condition table with field customer. Put this condition table in the pricing sequence.
Since this sequence is assigned to the pricing condition, Create record for this codition table (Price) This will ask customer number and price for that customer.
Sandeep Budhraja
=== I hope you might have done pricing in SAP SD before this if not, pl follow the steps which I am giving next:
1. create a condition table in necessery by using v/05 or IMG->S&D->BASIC FUNCTIONS ->PRICING ->PRICING PROCEDURE -> CREATE TABLE (first serch is ther any table which is having customer number , name , org, order no and all the requeried fields)
2. copy a condition type which is sutible for your requerment . by using v/06 or IMG PATH WHICH I HAVE GIVEN IN STEP ONE
3. copy a accecss sequence which u want v/07
4. assign access sequence to conditiona type and condition tabel to access access sequence .
5. finale create your only pricing procedure by using condition type like price , discount, tax etc see the standard condition pricing procedure rvv001 . attech this procedur to pricing determination with your sales area.
Now go to VK11 and create pricing condition record by using customer / material.
and also discount and tax recards and save them
After creating your pricing procedure and records you creat a sales order wiht the same sales area and order type which you atteched to pricing determination and give a material code and quentity and press enter
You will get pricing of that.
Lavanya sudha
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