Adding additional fields to Delivery Due List

Posted by Krishh Webworld | 2:03 PM | | 1 comments »

SAP Shipping is an important part of the logistics chain in which guaranteed customer service and distribution planning support play major roles.

Question : Subject : Adding additional fields to Delivery Due List

I would like to add additional fields to the Delivery Due List - Transaction VL04. These fields do not exist in the list of additional fields in the IMG so I assume I will need to have a user exit written or something... Has anyone had any experience in adding fields to the delivery due list that do not exist in the IMG? Your help is greatly appreciated.

Answer : Subject : Adding additional fields to Delivery Due List


Answer : Subject : Adding additional fields to Delivery Due List

Check OSS, at least note 198137.

Answer : Subject : Adding additional fields to Delivery Due List

Thank you... but as I stated in my question, The fields I need do not exist in the list of addtional fields in the IMG. I need to add fields from KNA1 and display them in the existing Delivery Due List.

Answer : Subject : Adding additional fields to Delivery Due List

additional fields need to be added to structure VBVFI. SAP provides an include in the structure to do so or you can create an append, depending on how your basis folks see life

Answer : Subject : Adding additional fields to Delivery Due List

Thank you. I forgot to mention, we are release 3.1I. Do you think this 4.X note would be applicable?

Kind Regards,

Answer : Subject : Adding additional fields to Delivery Due List

I found note 415716. Thank you for your help.

Kind Regards,


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