Dynamic Background Colors in Smartforms

Posted by Krishh Webworld | 11:10 AM | , , , | 0 comments »

We were having some specific background colors in our output generated by the SMartforms. This background colors are coming properly in the print-out. But, when we try to send them as FAX, we are getting the BLACK background whereever we have that background color.

I used Field-symbols to have an access of the table which stores the Smartforms definition. I replaced the background color with the White background.

Code Snippet for Dynamic Background Color
* This code will clear the specific background for specific conditions
* In line type TYPE1 under the MAIN_TABLE, we have two columns.
* Column 1 with RED background and border
* Column 2 with no background color and BLUE border
FIELD-SYMBOLS: TYPE tsftabdef. " Table - Actual SF definitions
DATA: l_tabdef TYPE ssftabdef, " Work Area for the Table
t_ltypes TYPE tsfltype, " Table - Line types
l_ltypes TYPE ssfltype, " Work Area for the table
t_colinfo TYPE tsfcolinfo, " Table - Columns
l_colinfo TYPE ssfcolinfo, " Work area for the table
t_border TYPE tsfctaba, " Tables - Borders
l_border TYPE ssfctaba. " Work Area for the border
* Assign the table definition to the table field symbol
* Assiging by '(Program)Tablename' will give as the actual table
* which contains the defination of the Smartform. We will change
* respective table background color.
* Table definition table
LOOP AT INTO l_tabdef.
* Table line Types
* Line type TYPE1 from the table MAIN_TABLE
LOOP AT l_tabdef-tltype INTO l_ltypes.
* Coloum information
* Column1 (cell) of the TYPE1
LOOP AT l_ltypes-tcolinfo INTO l_colinfo.
* Borders
* Background color and borders for that cell
LOOP AT l_colinfo-borders INTO l_border.
* Clearing the color parameters for the cell
CLEAR: l_border-intensity, " Intensity
l_border-fillcolor-red, " Red
l_border-fillcolor-used, " Color Used
l_border-cfillcolor-color, " Red color in Hexa
l_border-cfillcolor-xred. " Color used in Hexa
MODIFY l_colinfo-borders FROM l_border.
MODIFY l_ltypes-tcolinfo FROM l_colinfo.
MODIFY l_tabdef-tltype FROM l_ltypes.
MODIFY FROM l_tabdef.

You can follow this link to have step-by-step explianation alongwith the Screenshots and SMartform XML file:
Dynamic Background Colors in Smartforms

This is one of my published WIKIes on SDN.



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