SAP Basics Feature - Diff. Configuration and Customisation

Posted by Krishh Webworld | 5:39 PM | | 0 comments »

  • Configuration of the SAP modules
    • Transaction SPRO - this is the main tree for all the configuration.
  • Function Key
    • F1 - Help
    • F4 - Possible entries or matchcode for the field you are accessing
    • F5 - Selection screen
    • F7 - Previous screen
    • F8 - Next screen
    • F9 - Technical info
    • CTRL+X - Cut
    • CTRL+C - Copy
    • CTRL+V - Paste
  • Navigation
    • /n Skip to the next record if you are processing one batch input session
    • /bend Cancel a batch input foreground process
    • /nend Close all R/3 sessions and logoff
    • /nxxx x Call the transaction xxxx in the same session
    • /o Generate a session list
    • /oxxx x Call the transaction xxxx in an additional session
    • /i Delete the current session
    • /h Turn the debug mode on
    • /$tab Reset all buffers (for System Administrators)
    • /$syn c Synchronize instances buffers (for System Administrators)

    • In 4.x, you can have long SAP transaction code up to a maximum of 20 character
What is the difference between configuration and customisation?

In a nut shell, customization is done when the client's requirement cannot be mapped with SAP standards. Here you will have to take the help of ABAPers to develop the programs/change the program codes in order to match the clients business requirements

Configuration is done with out any developed programs



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