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Operation/Link to Appl. Functionality (MM-PUR-GF)

The following description is based on the assumption that a purchase order is created that is subject to a release strategy.
Creation of Purchase Order

A user creates a purchase order via Logistics _ Materials management _ Purchasing _
Purchase order _ Create. This PO fulfills the conditions of a release strategy. Saving results in the creation of an object of the type Purchase order.
Working Through the Release Strategy The PO must be released using all the release codes defined in the release strategy.

Non-workflow-relevant release codes

If a release code is not workflow-relevant, the user responsible can effect release as follows:

Logistics _ Materials management _ Purchasing _ Purchase order __Release

Workflow-relevant release codes

If a release code is workflow-relevant, the event that triggers the workflow,
ReleaseStepCreated, is generated automatically.
In the event parameter container, you will find the user name of the person who created the PO (in the element _EVT_Creator), the reference to the PO (in the element _EVT_Object), and the release code (in the element ReleaseCode).
The user responsible finds a work item representing the standard task Release purchase order in his or her SAP Business Workplace inbox. Processing this work item allows the PO to be released.
You can access the SAP Business Workplace via Menu _ Business Workplace.

Settlement Accounting re Rebate Arrangements in

Purchasing (MM-PUR-VM)


In Purchasing, rebate arrangements are stipulations agreed with vendors governing refunds of part of the buying entity’s total spend over a certain period. Such refunds often vary according to the volume of business done with (i.e. volume of purchases made from) the vendor. The volume of business done with the vendor and the resulting rebate can only be determined retrospectively, at the end of the period (subsequent to the individual transactions of which this business volume is composed). The calculation of the rebate and the subsequent transfer of the
relevant data to Financial Accounting is described as settlement accounting with respect to the rebate arrangement.
Settlement accounting can be carried out periodically during the overall validity period of the rebate arrangement and/or once-only, at the end of this period.

Process Flow The Purchasing staff who entered into the relevant rebate arrangements with the vendors can be advised by workflow when the planned settlement dates are reached.

A work item appears in their inboxes on each settlement date. From within the work item, the responsible member of staff can directly invoke the settlement accounting transaction with the rebate arrangement affected.

Prior to settlement, it may be necessary to compare and agree business volume data with the vendor. A work item is created for this process as well.

Technical Realization (MM-PUR-VM)

Object Types Used

Object technology is used to create the interface between the R/3 functionality and the Workflow system.
For this reason, the information given below is primarily of a technical nature. You need this information only if you are interested in details of the implementation or wish to create your own enhancements.

Object type BUS3030 (rebate arrangement, Purchasing).

Standard Tasks

The standard tasks provided by SAP as single-step tasks describe basic business activities from an organizational point of view. A single-step task relates to a single object method (= technical link to R/3 functionality) in each case, and is linked to its organizationally possible processors.

Object Type: BUS3030 (Rebate Arrangement,



A rebate arrangement is an understanding with a business partner relating to the granting of rebates over a certain period.
A rebate arrangement can be entered into between a sales area and a customer (rebate recipient or beneficiary) or between a purchasing organization and a vendor (rebate granter).


In the scenario, a business application object of type BUS3030 is processed, i.e. either a business volume comparison or settlement accounting is carried out with respect to a rebate arrangement in Purchasing.

Standard Task MMExBusVolCo (Perform Business
Volume Comparison re Rebate Arrangement)


Standard task for performing a business comparison and agreement process with regard to a rebate arrangement in Purchasing.

Standard task: TS00900055
Identifier: MMExBusVolCo

Description: Business volume comparison for rebate arrangement
Structure Object Method Referenced
Object type: BUS3030 (rebate arrangement, Purchasing)
Method: ExecuteBusVolComp (perform business volume comparison)
Processor Assignment At runtime, this standard task is addressed to one or more members of the purchasing group responsible for the rebate arrangement. A necessary prerequisite for this is the assignment of the responsible purchasing groups to the desired organizational units or positions of organization management .

Standard Task: MMRebAgSettl (Perform Settlement

Accounting re Rebate Arrangement)


Standard task for performing settlement accounting with respect to a rebate arrangement in Purchasing.

Standard task: TS00900058
Identifier: MMRebAgSettl

Description: Perform settlement accounting re rebate arrangement
Structure Object method referenced.

Object type: BUS3030 (rebate arrangement, Purchasing)
Method: Settle Processor assignment: At runtime, this standard task is addressed to one or more members f the purchasing group responsible for the rebate arrangement. The same settings are necessary as for the standard task TS00900055.

Workflow Template MMRebAgSettl (Settlement Accounting re Rebate Arrangements)


Work template to perform settlement accounting with regard to a rebate arrangement.
If the system recognizes that final or interim settlement accounting is due with respect to a rebate arrangement in Purchasing because a settlement date has been reached, a workflow is started with template MMRebAgSettl.

Workflow template: WS00900007
Identifier: MMRebAgSettl

Description: Settlement accounting with regard to rebate arrangements (Purchasing)
Triggering Events for Workflow Template The events ToBeSettledInterim (partial settlement re rebate arrangement in Purchasing) and ToBeSettledFinal (final settlement re rebate arrangement in Purchasing) are entered as triggering events for the workflow template for object type BUS3030 (rebate arrangement, Purchasing).
This “linkage” between the event and the workflow template to be triggered is
deactivated in the standard system and must first be activated in Customizing for
SAP Business Workflow if the workflow template is actually to be started. (See
Preparation and Customizing (MM-PUR-VM) .

Workflow Container and Data Flow

The important information that must be available during the course of the workflow is the object reference to the rebate arrangement to be processed (_Evt_Object). The information is available as an event parameter in the container of the triggering event, and must be passed on from there to the workflow container via data flow.
As a result, the following data flow definition between the triggering event and the workflow container is defined in the standard system:

Workflow container Event parameter container

RebateAgreementPurch _Evt_Object

The element RebateAgreementPurch has been created in addition to the elements available in the standard system.

Steps in the Workflow

1. You can start workflows for rebate arrangements in respect of which settlement is due via a program.
2. For each selected rebate arrangement, the system checks whether a settlement date has been reached. If a date for interim or final settlement has been reached, a workflow is started.

Workflow Template MMRebAgSettl (Settlement Accounting re Rebate Arrangements)

A separate workflow is started for each rebate arrangement settlement date.

3. The attribute BusVolCompNec (business volume comparison and agreement necessary) of the object "rebate arrangement, Purchasing" indicates whether a business volume
comparison and agreement process is necessary prior to actual settlement.

If this is the case, a work item is generated to carry out this process. This appears in the inboxes of all members of the purchasing group responsible for the rebate arrangement.

If this is not the case, or after this step, the system generates a work item to carry out actual settlement. The members of the responsible purchasing group receive this item in their inboxes too.



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